Saturday, 23 July 2011

Call for papers

I am editing the Essays on Art column of the September issue of Connotation Press an online journal. I am looking for writers who may be interested in contributing a short, informal but well-informed article on a movie. The topic is "Cities in Celluloid" which is about famous and not so famous movies where a historic city features as the main character. So basically it's about movies which have been succesful in capturing the particular essence of a city in celluloid. Its a lot like a movie review, but more spontaneous. There is no word limit and the official deadline is the 10th of August although that is negotiable! The chosen articles will be published in the September issue of Connotation Press. If you are interested, please send me an email, with a brief bio and a photograph (not the Passport ones please) as early as possible.

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